How to Juggle Homeschooling and Working from Home

We have all been thrown for a loop with both this remote work and this remote schooling. Most of us were not planning to make this transition anytime soon. Even now as we have had some time to adjust, this fall semester is still requires some getting used to. For those that never intended to homeschool but now find themselves doing so on top of working from home, it can be difficult to manage both at once.

Some Tips and Tricks on This Juggling Act

The first thing we suggest is to divide and conquer the workload. Split up the morning and evening workloads between the two of you. Talk about how each one of you could take advantage of the flexible moments you have throughout your workday. One parent takes the morning, getting the kids ready, setup, and the schoolwork during that first half. The other takes the afternoon.

Secondly, ask your kids for help in navigating this new situation. Encourage their independence and set clear boundaries throughout the day. Sometimes you are in a conference call that cannot be disturbed. You can teach older kids being able to help themselves when it comes to snacks, chores, and finding other resources for help. Have a system where they know when you cannot be disturbed, like a note on the door. Have them know it is only for a while, and they need to be able to manage themselves for that time. Managing themselves can mean asking others for help like an aunt, uncle, grandparent, or older sibling, in-person or over Zoom.

How to Juggle Homeschooling and Working from Home

Also, you should divvy out workspaces. Your work area should be in a separate location then your kids’, and each kid has their own space for specifically for schoolwork as well. This is important psychologically to help focus and eliminate distraction and stress.

Of course, it is important to communicate with your employer. They are likely in a similar situation, as well as your coworkers. They need to know any of the obstacles you have going on at home so that you have the wiggle room to navigate them.

Your Virtual Office Space

Part of setting aside a space specifically for work and away from the responsibilities at home could be renting a private office through Titan Business Suites. Either an office or virtual office could suit these needs. It will give you a way to get what you need done away from home. Just call (281) 769-8181 to get started on a solution in juggling homeschooling and remote work.